
Sep 15, 2024

Adapting to the New Normal: Weather's Impact on Renewable Grid Operations

As renewable energy becomes more widespread, the dynamics of grid operations are evolving in response to weather patterns that are becoming increasingly unpredictable. The national Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)recently highlighted how “moderate” weather events, which were once considered manageable, are now presenting significant challenges to grid reliability and efficiency. This change is causing an increased need for enhanced strategies and technologies to ensure a stable and resilient renewable energy grid. 


Traditionally, energy grids were designed to withstand extreme weather events such as hurricanes and blizzards, but moderate weather is proving to be just as disruptive. Moderate weather conditions can cause significant variation in energy production which is forcing advanced forecasting and grid management techniques to become essential to maintain stability. 

As weather patterns continue to evolve, understanding and adapting to the impacts of weather variability is necessary. How we manage and operate renewable energy grids will need to change. Moderate weather is becoming the new extreme, and it is imperative that we leverage advanced technologies and proactive policies to maintain grid stability amidst the challenges of a changing climate.


Read the full article here!

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