
Jun 01, 2024

Extreme Weather Boosts Solar Projects

Even though Climate change is bad news for everyone on Earth, people still somehow benefit from constantly increasing temperatures. Solar power reached a critical “tipping point” in 2023, becoming the most cost-effective and dominant source of electricity globally by 2050. 


The United States saw stable solar performance thanks to the extensive sunshine and less precipitation. Central America has stronger solar irradiance as it is closer to the equator. “Changing global weather patterns may alter the outlook for 2024. There is an increased need for stakeholders to closely monitor and analyze solar resource trends,” said Marcel Suri, CEO & Founder, Solargis. “This is crucial for optimizing projects and mitigating the ongoing risks in the face of changing climate dynamics. As we navigate through the extremes, stakeholders must enhance their monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing capabilities to mitigate risks and embrace the unstoppable ascent of solar power in our global energy landscape.”


Read the full article here!


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